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Saint Mariamne Whom We Commemorate on February 17


A virtuous woman was very difficult to find in the pre-Christian world. Difficult and rare. Not so in the Christian era. If we were to mention names we would need many pages. We shall limit ourselves to one name, one gem, the holy and equal to the Apostles Mariamne, the sister of the glorious Apostle Philip. That devout virgin, whose brother's relics sanctify our beloved island, is "more precious than precious stones." To her are dedicated the following lines.

Mariamne was born in Bethsaida of Galilee, the home of the Apostles Andrew and Peter. From her devout parents she inherited a patrimony as well as did her brother Philip. That is their piety. Especially after the latter was called to the Apostolic order, the entire family began to live their separate lives with greater devotion. The teaching of Christ which she followed as she could, helped the young woman from her earliest years to perform the will of God and make it a way of life. Her true love for Christ was the reason that she rejected many wedding proposals for she preferred to be free of family obligations and follow her brother in his missionary work and commitment.

After the Holy Spirit descended, her brother Philip started out to carry the message of the Gospel with the other Apostles to new places where the grace of God had called them. Philip traveled with his friend Bartholomew and Mariamne through the cities and provinces of Asia Minor. Together they taught the Gospel of Christ with resolve and dedication. Mariamne's motto was self-denial and dedication as she followed the two Apostles on their long journey. With them, she shared their joys and sorrows as well as their many trials at the hands of the infuriated idolators.

In spite of the obstacles and difficulties they met in their journey, the missionary group preached the Gospel in many cities of Lydia, Phrygia and Pamphylia (ancient provinces in Asia Minor). The many miracles which the Apostles worked on their path helped them achieve great success. But also their suffering and persecution was intense. In these, the young maiden received her share as a consequence of her contributions and zeal.

After many years of dedicated work, the blessed missionary team arrived at Neapolis of Phrygia. The sermon of the Apostles attracted many people every day. Each night large numbers of Greek people went to listen to this sermon and be baptized. The words of our Lord Jesus spoken to Phillip and Andrew when they approached him and told Him that a few Greeks who were converts to Judaism, had come to see Him began to come true. "The time has come for the Son of man to be glorified."(John 12:29). In other words, the time which was ordained by God for the Son of man to be glorified had arrived. To be glorified with His crucifixion and ascension, and be recognized by the Greeks as the Messiah and the Savior, who at that time represented the gentiles. Blessed was that day and great because the coming of the Greeks into the Christian Faith signaled the triumph of the new religion. The spread of Christianity to the many cities of Asia Minor had its consequences. The evil one, turned his malice against the zealous workers of the new Faith. One night as the Apostle Phillip was speaking and the masses clung to his lips, certain idolators abducted him and his colleagues and tortured them unhumanly. Then they turned them over to the authorities. A false trial was set up and the result was that Phillip was put to death and the others were tortured. The executioners seized the Apostle and after they chastised him, they tied him from his ankles and suspended him upside down from a tree. They did the same to Bartholomew and Mariamne.

The crowd of idolators observed the martyrdom of the Lord's servants with jeers and howls, even though the former prayed and asked God to forgive them. God is merciful and good. But, he also punishes. At that same moment, as the enemies of Christ were amusing themselves and rejoicing at the martyrdom of Mariamne and the Apostles, suddenly an earthquake struck, and it shook the earth, and a great number of idolaters fell into the chasm that opened up in their midst. And those that did not fall into the chasm responded with shrilling and shouts and called upon the martyrs to forgive them and to ask their God to have mercy upon them. Their repentance was sincere, so the all-merciful Lord forgave them and stopped the earthquake. Those that had fallen into the pit came back out. The magnate, Anthypatos, remained in the fissure with his wife Echidna as a lesson to all. At that same time, there was a magnificent vision which served as proof of divine might. A great ladder appeared that stretched from heaven to earth. That was the way to salvation for them. The crowd rushed and took down Bartholomew and Mariamne from the limbs of the tree. Phillip continued to teach them and to exhort them so they would repent and be baptised. But before they could take him down, his sacred soul departed to Heaven for all of eternity.

Bartholomew and Mariamne took the relic and buried it, shedding tears of love and gratitude on it; tears for those who were baptised and of their own love. Bartholomew set final order at the Church of Hierapolis and appointed as Bishop the well-known Stachys. Then, along with Mariamne, he set out towards Lycaonia propagating the word of God. Later, he went to distant India where he continued his mission, and where he had a martyr's death by crucifixion. Mariamne returned to Palestine after Lycaonia, by the banks of the Jordan River where she reposed in peace.

The adventures and sufferings of the missionary group which highlighted their journey, and the many beatings and risks that Mariamne sustained did not manage to bend her zeal, nor to stop her from observing the many thousands of women at the places she toured, as they were baptised and decided to live a Christian life. The virgin's rare courage is an excellent example for every woman to imitate, especially young women. Today, when a great part of our island anguishes under the boot of the most barbaric conqueror, and thousands of our churches are desecrated daily by the infidel Turks, more than at any other time, the example of sacrifice of the virgin and her determination should always be before us. In order to teach and remind us that only with Christ will our life have any meaning, and only with Christ shall we see better days. and our Cyprus free again, blessed and joyful.

O Saint of God Mariamne pray for us sinners. Amen.

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