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Auxibius of Solon Whom We Commemorate on February 17

Auxibius, our holy father, was a native of old Rome. His parents were wealthy but they were idolaters. They had two sons; the blessed Auxibius and Themistagoras. As a youth, Auxibius was described as being asteios and of a good nature. The word asteios means "humorous'. He is also described as a meek individual and prudent like Joseph-the all-good. In general, he was adorned with many great qualities. When the right time came, his parents assigned teachers to him and he became adept in the secular wisdom. When he reached the right age, his parents intended to see him marry. Unbeknownst to them, Auxibius had his mind fixed on divine things and good thoughts. So he was adverse to this. He had been exposed to the teachings of Christ and wished to become a Christian. As his parents learned of this, they bore resentment against him. His father threatened and pressured him to get married. His mother was not so forceful, but she implored him to listen to his father.

Auxibius noticed that they were serious about this and that their wishes were contrary to his, so he decided to leave Rome in secret. He was certain that this was the only way. So a few days later, he left his home and went down to the seaport where he saw a ship ready to sail for the east. He left everything behind except for a small amount of money which he used for food. And he boarded the ship and sailed away. A few days later, the ship arrived at a small town in Cyprus called, Limnetes. This town was four miles distant from the city of Solon. It was there that divine providence led him so that many souls would be saved through him. There he met St. Mark, the Evangelist who asked him the name of his country. He told him he was from Rome and he had come there to become a Christian.

Now St. Mark noticed that Auxibius was resolved to become a Christian and that he was reliable. So he catechized him and taught him the Word of Truth and baptized him in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, ordaining him a bishop. He taught him how to teach the Gospel of Jesus. Following this, he sent him to the city of Solon and advised him with these words, "That city is full of idols and its citizens have not been taught the word of God yet, because they are under the dark shadow of the idols. Now you must do as I tell you. In the beginning when you go there no one must know that you are a Christian. Pretend that you use their religion and after a length of time passes, you must communicate with them as if they are infants. Nourish them with milk until they are ready to receive more sturdy food. Teach them the simple things until they are prepared to accept more advanced knowledge." These were the instructions of the Apostle. He added many more things and then bid him farewell and departed in peace. Later, he boarded a ship bound for Egypt and sailed to Alexandria. When he arrived he preached the Gospel declaring everywhere the Kingdom of God.

Meanwhile, the blessed Auxibius left Limnetes and came to Solon by the city gates. In the west sector of the city there was a temple of the mythical god of the Greeks, Zeus. In that temple there resided a priest of the idols. As Auxibius was passing by the temple, the priest saw him and recognized that he was a stranger and invited him into his house and offered him hospitality. So he stayed with that priest on that day. The following day, the priest asked him about his provenance and why he traveled to Solon. St. Auxibius told him that he was a citizen of Rome and was on his way to Palestine, but was washed ashore at Limnetes. Then he was told that Solon was a good city to live in and went to see for himself, but first he asked the priest to allow him to reside with him a few days until he found a dwelling of his own. The priest told him, "You may stay with me and feel at home."

Auxibius stayed there for a long time without letting anyone know that he was a Christian. He pretended that he used the religion of the Greeks reckoning that if the devil changes his appearance to that of an angel in order to bring over those who obey him and by means of good and pleasant words he brings them from the light into darkness as do his servants and followers, how much more should we alter ourselves before our fellow man, so that we may separate them from the rule of the dismal powers and bring them to the light of the knowledge of God? As he concentrated on these thoughts the servant of God Auxibius, remained in the aforementioned place.

A few days passed and he says to the priest, "Brother, there is something I must tell you." And the priest said, "Tell me." "Why do you worship the idols as gods, who are nothing but wood and senseless stones? They have mouths and yet they do not speak, they have eyes and do not see, ears that cannot hear and neither do they smell the sacrifices that you offer unto them. The One whom the Christians revere and worship is the True God. As I have heard from a number of them. For I heard that He performs many miracles and signs and cures." When the priest heard all this, he was moved to contrition and no longer worshipped the idols. From then on, he was taught by the blessed Auxibius about the Faith of Christ. In this preoccupation, Auxibius persisted for a long time. He also went into the city teaching people in secret and he exited again and on his return he stayed in the aforementioned quarters at the temple of Zeus.

While Auxibius sojourned in that location, Mark, the Apostle preached the Gospel of Christ in Alexandria and many believed. Consequently, he took a recess and went to find St. Paul. He found him and paid his respects. St. Paul received him with much gladness. St. Mark thus, told him about the Apostle Barnabas and how he met his good end as he was martyred at Salamis. Consequently, Mark stayed with St. Paul until the day of his repose. When St. Paul received the news of St. Barnabas' death and that none of the apostles were in Cyprus to teach the Gospel of Jesus, he sent Epaphras, Tychicos and others to Heracleides, the Archbishop of Cyprus. He corresponded with him suggesting that Epaphras be installed as bishop of Paphos and Tychicos as bishop of Neapolis and in every other city others. In the city of Solon, he must contact a Roman citizen named Auxibius whom he must declare Bishop of Solon. However, he must not ordain this Auxibius because he was ordained already by the Apostle Mark. As soon as the blessed Heracleides received these letters, he read them and without delay did exactly as he was ordered.

He went to the city of Solon and found Auxibius after a search, at the site of the temple of Zeus and they greeted one another. And the blessed Heracleides said to him, "My son, Auxibius, I have been directed by the Apostles of Christ to tell you; how long will you conceal the lamp under the tablecloth and refuse to put it on top of the Cross so that it will shine for the inhabitants of this city? Come, therefore and enlighten those who have been blinded by the darkness of idolatry, and become a herald of repentance. How long will you continue to hide the talent that you received from your master? Multiply it sevenfold so you will hear the words, 'Very good, O trusted and worthy servant'. You are faithful when it comes to the few, I entrusted you with the many. Have you not heard the Gospel which says, "Those who sow in tears will also reap with gladness?' Spread the word of God in the winter of idolatry that covers this city so you will reap a great harvest with gladness of soul and serenity. Fear not those who destroy the body but fear God who can cast body and soul into damnation, for the Lord has said, "I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves". And again He said, "When they surrender you before kings and potentates, do not be wary about what you shall answer for the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say." At the end of these words, Heracleides took St. Auxibius and entered the city and said a prayer. He then marked the plan of a church on the ground which was small in length but large according to the grace of God. He also taught him the Ecclesiastical order which he was taught by the Apostles and surrendered him to the Lord and returned to his own city.

In the meantime, St. Auxibius wasted no time and commenced to build the church. He knelt on the earth and prayed in tears saying, "Dear God Almighty, who created the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that is in it. Who created man, taking up soil from the earth and honoring him in Thine own image and by the deceit of the devil, he met death. But you did not turn your face away to the end, but you sent us your only begotten Son for the salvation of our race. O Lord Jesus Christ, you did triumph on the Cross, against the powers and hegemony of the devil. You did give your Holy Apostles the power to step on snakes and scorpions and all the dominion of the enemy. Empower me also with your own suppliant to propagate your Word with authority. Instill your fear, O Lord, in the hearts of these people. Enlighten them by your grace so that they may return from the delusion of the devil and come to know you, the True God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. May it be that your Holy Spirit shall dwell in this temple which was erected in your Holy name. Render it unshakable, O Lord, in your Faith until the end of time. For you have said, 'On this rock shall I build the Church and the gates of hell shall not hold sway over it. Bring back, O Lord, your wandering flock within your sacred fold. For you are the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep. Extend your almighty hand which is invisible and by the rod of your Holy Cross drive out the wolf that lurks and preys upon your flock. Bring back those who have drifted away so they will become one flock unto one Shepherd. Open the door unto me also by your mercy so I may stretch out my hand and do signs and wonders in your name and in your only begotten Son's; our Lord Jesus Christ. To Whom is due all glory, honor and dominion and to your Holy and Life-giving Spirit now and unto the ages. Amen."

At the completion of his prayer, he rose up from the earth and went to a public place in the city and began to teach concerning the Kingdom of God. A large group of people gathered around him and he taught them saying, "Dear brethren and fathers, Hearken unto me and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Whom I declare. For He is the Savior and Redeemer of all those who believe in Him. Receive the light of knowledge therefore. Lift up your eyes and give up the traditional religion of your fathers, and come to the knowledge of the True God, the Creator of all things who alone can save your souls." As he taught all these things in the presence of everyone, he convinced many to abandon the dismal idols and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ through his good sermon. He also invoked and possessed the grace from God to heal the sick and to drive out demons. And with the passage of time, those converted increased in number and were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit confessing their sins. Those who knew diseased people brought them to St. Auxibius and as he laid hands on them they were healed by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. News of this reached the rural population, so they came to the city. They brought with them many people with ailments and these he cured by invoking the name of the Holy Trinity. And as they believed, they were baptized.

There was a man from the village of Salapotamion. His name was Auxibius also. When he heard about the great Auxibius and his teaching and virtue, he came to him and fell at his feet and implored him with these words, "Father, give me the seal of Christ that is Holy Baptism. Our Saint catechized him after this and taught him about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And later baptized him in the name of the Holy Trinity. Auxibius stayed with St. Auxibius for the rest of his life following his teaching and he too became an outspoken man, progressing with wisdom and the grace of God. He followed the footsteps of his good teacher and lived in fear of God, imitating his teacher in everything.

One day, Auxibius the disciple of the saint, went on an excursion considerable distance from Solon to the east, to a meadow called Tarichos, to rest from his daily cares. He lay under a tree and rested in the shade. He fell asleep and behold a multitude of ants surrounded his head and formed a halo. When St. Auxibius came along and witnessed this he marveled and kept it in his memory as he understood that the industrious species of the ants reveals that they motivate the restive mind to perform good deeds as says King Solomon; "Imitate the ant, indolent man, and envy his ways. The halo symbolized the value of the hierarchy, for the student one day would sit on the throne of the teacher who was also the shepherd. So he roused his student and entered the Church. The disciple was obedient to the teacher in everything and served him well. at a

The blessed Auxibius prayed to God both day and night for the salvation of the people and their conversion as he taught them continually. And the flock of Jesus increased and multiplied by day, while the numbers of the enemy decreased by day. When our saint's brother, Themistagoras, heard about his brother, he came to Solon with his wife, the blessed Timo; for she too was virtuous. At the earliest opportunity, they entered the Church and greeted one another as there was much gladness at their meeting. Henceforth, they stayed at the diocese and were taught by the blessed Auxibius, who baptized them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He proceeded to ordain Themistagoras to a Deacon of the Holy Church and his wife to Deaconess. After their baptism, they were separated from each other and lived as brother and sister because they had attained dispassion. The grace of God had now come upon the city of Solon and almost everyone believed in the Lord Jesus Christ through the teachings of St. Auxibius and the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Auxibius noticed that the Church was small and there was not room for everyone. He contemplated on building a larger church in the name of God, so he bowed down and implored God to send him all the help he needed. When he stood on his feet, he laid down the plan of the church and with the will of God and His divine help, he constructed a great and impressive church, the Holy Catholic Church which he decorated and embellished, and dedicated it to our Lord Jesus Christ.

How can we not marvel and praise the courageous laborer of Christ? How alone he encountered the adversary and defeated him, and from his hands he rescued many a victim. For the enemy had subjected everyone to his authority. And when our saint entered the land there was not one Christian. But by the grace of Jesus he made them all Christians. He completed his tasks that he set out to accomplish and became a herald of the truth as he honored the position of the bishop for fifty years or longer, then came to the end of his life. So he called all the honored clergy together and said to them, "Dear fathers and brethren, hearken to my words and attend to my reasoning; behold I depart to the way of my fathers as all people do who inhabit the earth. And you, my children, must caution yourselves. You must stand firm in the Faith of our Lord so no one will waylay you with vain and subtle words. You all know how I suffered in this city. By day and night, I prayed to God so He would open the way for me to reveal the mystery of Christ, and the true God did not disregard me but helped me. And now, O brethren, I entrust you to the Lord and to the words of His grace by which He will enlighten you and as an inheritance shall bestow the kingdom of heaven to you with all the saints. Stand upright, therefore, and keep the traditions which you received from me and do not hesitate to accept the hierarch that God has selected for you. For He is one of you and resides among you and shall serve you of His own accord." At the end of these words, he presented Auxibius, his student, before them and said to him, "It is you that God has chosen as bishop. You shall lead the flock of Jesus which He has cultivated with His own blood." Then he bid farewell to all his clergy and on the third day it was heard that St. Auxibius was about to leave this life. Upon hearing this, the entire congregation assembled in the Church lamenting and weeping. He kissed everyone and then in peace surrendered his soul to the hands of God. They buried him with the proper respect and his relic was placed in a larnax which he himself had designed. On the exterior there was the following epigraph, "I charge you in the name of Jesus that no one must open this larnax until the decease of my brother, Themistagoras." On the day that the most honored relic of the Saint was buried it became a source of many miracles. Many were those who were healed of diverse ailments and from unclean spirits. Even those dwelling in the rural areas heard of the miracles that the honored relic of the Saint worked, by divine grace.

They came to the city in all haste, men and women, falling before his larnax and were subsequently healed by the grace of God.

It did not take long for the reports to reach the city of Paphos that many healings had taken place through St. Auxibius. There were forty men who were possessed by evil spirits and they came from Paphos to the proximity of Solon. When they came to within fifteen miles of the town, St. Auxibius appeared to them and drove out their evil spirits, thus freeing them all by the grace of God. As soon as these men were cleansed from the foul spirits, they came running to Solon and described to everyone that which happened on the way-side to them. All those who heard this gave praise and glory to God because He bestowed such grace upon His own servant. Those who were cured journeyed to the place where the relic lay and fell before it and thanked God who honored His servant. Then they departed in peace to their country, Paphos. And for this, the Paphians celebrate his memory to this day.

In consequence, the blessed Themistagoras witnessed the miracles that were created at the site where the relic lay in state and that the larnax was a source of cures and healings. He announced that he was not worthy to be buried with St. Auxibius so he charged all the clergy of the Church that none should dare open the coffin of Auxibius after his repose, in order to bury him in it. And they complied. Within the larnax, the relic of St. Auxibius remained alone and his tomb became an ever- flowing source of miracles to the glory of God, in commemoration of His Saint, by whose intercessions may we be deemed worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen. 

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