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Saint Demetrianos Whom We Commemorate on January 27


 Most all the Saints of our Church walked the narrow road. The Saints of Cyprus also trod the narrow road. Saint Demetrianos the Bishop of Tamasos, that populous city, also walked that road. The following lines are dedicated to him.

 From the scant evidence that we have about him we learn that he was born in Tamasos and lived in it during the early years of Christendom. At that dismal time idolatry and idol-mania proclaimed the star of Aphrodite loudly and publicized her cult throughout the limits of the island. The Sermon of Christ, which was brought to Cyprus by the Apostles, Barnabas, Paul and Mark, began to spread gradually throughout its domain.

 In Tamasos the headquarters was set up in a cave that survives to our times; and it was used as a residence, a Church and a diocese. The pioneering fathers were Heracleides, Myron, Mnason, and their other coworkers trying to kindle the light of Christ and to shine it everywhere. In that cave the first Christians not only attended the sermon about Christ, but were also baptized and prayed and conducted their services. And in that cave may still be seen the tomb of Saint Heracleides.

 One day when the elderly Bishop was ailing with a fever in the cave, a gang of outraged idolaters came in and dragged out the sixty year old man and killed him. Meanwhile he prayed for his executioners. His students took up the sacred relic with heavy hearts and buried it in the cave. The miracles that he worked while he was still alive continue to this day.

 The religion of Jesus Christ was introduced to many places. thanks to the efforts of Heracleides and the zeal that he exhibited. After his death, the responsibility of his ministry fell into the hands of Mnason. Heracleides had ordained him bishop when he was still alive. Mnason continued the work of Heracleides until his last days. He worked many miracles while he was still alive, and many more when he reposed. Before he died, he ordained Rodon as Bishop of Tamasos.

 The sermon of Christ spread rapidly in the city of Tamasos thanks to the fiery zeal of the first Christians there. Many saints grew up there, one of them being Saint Demetrianos. We do not know the date of his birth. Time, the all consumer, has erased that knowledge from our memory. One fact that we may surmise from his life is that he knew Christ from his childhood. According to his hymnographer, "As a child you became a student of the Lord." He came to know Christ and loved him. One thing that he saw at all times was the Lord's will. He lived according to it by his example.

 One time when the spiritual father of the community fell ill, that is the priest, the local bishop called him to the diocese and at the request of the Christians ordained him a priest. Demetrianos was declared the right hand of this bishop. The good citizens celebrated this event. For Demetrianos labored with a fervent zeal for the spiritual well-being of the people. In his person they saw their spiritual father and guide. The orphans found their protector, the sick their brother, and those in sorrow their comfort. After a while the bishop himself reposed, and the entire population intervened again and they elevated the most worthy man, Demetrianos, to the episcopal throne.

 In this new position he becomes conspicuous to all. The hymnographer describes him in the words: "the scion of Tamasos, and pride of Perata, the source of miracles, and dispenser of cures, the refuge and adoration of Cyprus." But the folk tradition and respect of the people for him remains to this day. This is evidenced in the great Church that the residents of Perata built for him in a picturesque setting and whose impressive remains may be seen even today.

 His spiritual life contributed a great deal to the dissemination of Christianity; not only in the city of Tamasos, but in the surrounding area. He became an example of patience and virtue and advanced the spiritual life of his people and their overall well-being. It is said that he performed many miracles while he was still alive, but also when he was laid to rest. The women of Perata consider him a great miracle worker and they visit the ruins of his Church. They light candles in the recesses of the ruins and seek his mediation for their problems and needs. One of the miracles that happened not too long ago is the following:

 A certain Christian from Pera was building a house. So he went to the ruins of Saint Demetriano's Church and took rocks that were hewn from the lintel of the entrance so that he could build the lintel of his house. He had in mind to go the following day and take the rest of the stones that made up the Church's doorposts in order to use them for his own house, At night, however, the Saint appeared to him and rebuked him sternly. He did not heed the Saint's warning however, and went back the next night and carried the rest of the stones to his house. At night the Saint appeared to him again and censured him for the second time for his disobedience. And so that he would not repeat his action, he slapped him twice in the face; once on the right side and once on the left. The outcome of that was that he became deaf from that night on to the rest of his life. And he never went back to take the remaining stones. For this, the stones with which the doorposts of his house were made are dissimilar as they stand out to this very day.

 Narrow is the gate: and the way that leads to a good life is replete with many obstacles. That truth which Christ summons us to follow is before us, and we must imitate the Fathers of our Church and make it a way of living and a reality. Our island was a land of sin. Corruption and license pushed the unfortunate residents as a flooding river to their own destruction. When the religion of Jesus with its blessed bearers Paul, Barnabas and Mark arrived and was taught on our majestic island, things changed immediately. How did the first Christians start out from one cavern? What difficulties, what persecutions and perils they experienced! With the courage that Christ instills into our hearts they went forth. The result is attested and reported by history. In a few years the island of Aphrodite becomes the island of Panagia and the Saints. The contribution to this by saints Lazarus, Haracleides, Myron and Mnason and Demetrianos, as well as the other laborers of virtue is incalculable. Difficult were the times and the hazards many. But they did not waver. They took the narrow road and wrote the most beautiful history. Let us imitate them. In this way only shall we achieve happiness in this life, and be made worthy to see our beloved Cyprus in the light of Christ, liberated and happy and honored by all. Saint Demetrianos pray for us.

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